Religious leadership, institutions and inter-religious dialogue networks

How religious leadership addresses the root causes of conflict through joint advocacy, prevention, reconciliation, peacebuilding, and social cohesion.
A group photo from the candle lighting ceremony at the Global Refugee Forum 2023 - religious leaders and the High Commissioner stand together in a line

Religious leadership, institutions and inter-religious dialogue networks

How religious leadership addresses the root causes of conflict through joint advocacy, prevention, reconciliation, peacebuilding, and social cohesion.

Faith communities have a long tradition of providing sanctuary and support to refugees, internally displaced and stateless people. This commitment comes from religious teachings, as well as a long-term commitment to upholding human rights. They are first responders, often first on the scene, and remain when international funding mechanisms are no longer available. Faith actors are key in meeting protection or service delivery needs and supporting communities to find solutions such as private sponsorship programmes. Their commitment, passion and knowledge often can reach, and support people other organisations can't.

Working with the international community, these crucial faith actors and faith-based organisations are partners on the ground, delivering humanitarian assistance and support for essential services-- healthcare, education and providing water and sanitation service.

Additionally, religious leadership, institutions and inter-religious dialogue networks provide advocacy influencing global policies.

The Global Compact on Refugees aims to strengthen the international response to large movements of refugees and protracted refugee situations. It recognises faith leaders and faith-based organisations as contributors to good relations and peaceful coexistence between refugees and host communities.

Multi-Religious Council of Leaders

Still from the video showing photos of different faith leaders

Multi-Religious Council of Leaders

The multi-religious council of leaders have committed to mobilising action for refugees, asylum seekers, stateless, and internally displaced people, addressing root causes of forced displacement, and facilitating the meaningful participation of forcibly displaced women and girls in peacebuilding processes.

Find out more


Webinar series

Religious Leaders and the Global Compact on Refugees: Bringing Faiths Together to Ensure No One is Left Behind

Multi-Religious Efforts to Address the Root Causes of Forced Displacement and to Assist Refugees, Stateless and Internally Displaced People

At the Global Refugee Forum 2023: Inter-Religious Ceremony for Peace in Solidarity with Refugees

At the Global Refugee Forum 2023: Religious Leaders Unite for Climate Peace in Solidarity with Refugees

Good practices