EU solidarity for the most vulnerable: relocation from Greece

A project financed by the EU and implemented by UNHCR, IOM and UNICEF

EU solidarity for the most vulnerable: relocation from Greece

A project financed by the EU and implemented by UNHCR, IOM and UNICEF

Pledge: The EU is committed to ensure that the needs of persons with disabilities are adequately addressed in EU-funded actions and to enhance protection for children in migration.



The project runs since April 2020. By end of October 2021, 4343 persons have been relocated out of 5200 (approx 84% of the target). Out of those 4343, 2623 persons were applicants of international protection comprised of 1027 Unaccompanied minors (UAMs) and 1596 applicants representing family members, while 1720 were beneficiaries of international protection (including two UMC beneficiaries of international protection).

IOM, UNHCR and UNICEF work together with their local partners, METAdrasi, Solidarity Now (SN), Zeuxis, the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), Merimna, METAdrasi, Terre des Hommes (Tdh), ARSIS, Network for Children’s Rights (NCR), PRAKSIS; and in coordination with relevant Greek authorities, including the Ministry of Migration and Asylum (MoMA), the Reception and Identification Service (RIS), the Greek Asylum Service (GAS), the Special Secretary for Unaccompanied Minors (SSUAM) and the National Centre for Social Solidarity (EKKA), as well as authorities of the Member State of Relocation (MSR), and other stakeholders (e.g. EASO).

Within this project, the Greek authorities receive support for the age assessment and best interest assessment of UAMs; for the identification, information provision and relocation interviews for beneficiaries of international protection. Authorized representatives for UAMs were deployed until end of February 2021, accompaniment of UAMs was ensured; they also received support for the accommodation in transit hubs for relocation purposes; for the information sessions, transfers, pre-departure orientation activities, and reception assistance.

The project period is being extended beyond 2021, and will run until end of March 2022.