Expanding modern banana farming school project in Gisagara district

Good Practices

Expanding modern banana farming school project in Gisagara district

"Before I was lonely and desperate, but today, I feel better working and chatting with others and getting basic needs of my family satisfied"

- Kayagwe P.

The project in brief

The project is implemented by Moucecore and US Together in Rwanda.

It works to improve the well being of vulnerable refugees and host community members and increase socio economic collaborations between them, by integrating the refugees into their host community by a joint agriculture project implementation along with capacity building in Self Help Groups creation, Voluntary Savings and Loans Initiative, small income generating projects, farming safety, mental health awareness, snake bites prevention, stress management and handcraft promotion.

Main activities of the Good Practice

Farming safety training, mental health awareness and voluntary savings and Loans through self help groups creation.

Partners involved

  • US Together Inc.
  • US Embassy in Rwanda
  • Gisagara District
  • Moucecore
  • Barakabaho Foundation

What challenges were encountered in delivering the project and how were they overcome?


Lack of funding.

How they were overcome

Writing project proposals.

Results of the Good Practice

Mental health awareness, emotional equilibrium, from one meal per two days to two meal per day, equipping their school going children, having small livestock at home, renting a land to farm etc.

In what way does the good practice meet one or more of the four objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees?

Objective 2: Enhance refugee self-reliance

Our beneficiaries can now satisfy their basic needs.

Next steps

To partner with UNHCR or WFP

Are there areas in which support would be required to continue and/or scale up your good practice?

Yes, getting support from UN organizations.

Submitted by

Marara Alexandre, US Together Rwanda, [email protected]