In my shoes

Good Practices

In my shoes

A still from the movie that reads "This movie is dedicated to all those who are affected by this wat and to those who cannot go back home because they are afraid"

The project in brief

The project is implemented by Great Steps Initiative (GSI) in Nigeria. It began in January 2021 and is currently ongoing, there is hope to continue to develop this project to meet needs in the best way possible.

We are writing and acting movies, singing, dancing, debating, computer training and promotion of artwork among refugees and the host community for inclusion, integration and peaceful coexistence.

The aim of the project is to reduce trauma, build life skills, and improve talent in others while providing livelihood support to them and their families.

Our cordial relationship with the host communities and the government structures within our municipality permitted us to use their facilities to meet our logistic demands.

Main activities of the Good Practice

The movie production is the latest among many short plays and other activities organized. As of today we have produced one movie titles "In My Shoes". It tells the story of how the conflict escalated in Cameroon, how we escaped to Nigeria and were rescued by UNHCR and host communities in the forest. The actors all have lived experiences, this are very passionate in their delivery. 

This initiative was so well accepted that we had no difficulty bringing in the age, gender and diversity touch to it. We are most delighted that people who are victims of the war are psychologically well balanced enough to tell and act their story without pain. They see it as a source of strength to others.

Partners involved


What challenges were encountered in delivering the project and how were they overcome?


Lack of equipment and transportations to better shooting sites.

How they were overcome

We improvised to use our phones and went to trekable alternative sites.

Results of the Good Practice

This movie has brought about a lot of time together for the two communities. It has even led to some of the youths in the host community calling on people from the refugee community for job opportunities in order to help them financially. 

Some renown actors in the national movie production in Nigeria (Nollywood) have gotten in contact with some of the actors in the movie and are currently providing them with capacity building for an eventual collaboration which will inevitably turn their lives around for good.

Video: IN MY SHOES Dir by Tru Chrisz. A movie by Southern Cameroonian Refugees in Nigeria

In what way does the good practice meet one or more of the four objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees?

Objective 2: Enhance refugee self-reliance

With this project, refugees will not be a burden on the host community because they will be able to provide for themselves and be more self-reliant. They will also be a source of help to others.

Next steps

We actually desire to continue to a level where if possible we will run a movie and talent academy.

Are there areas in which support would be required to continue and/or scale up your good practice?

Yes we would love to have support in the area of capacity building as a production house and not just as particular members. We also need assistance to aquire equipment and transport logistics.


Submitted by

Cheng Laban Ndoh, Director Great Step Initiative

[email protected]

Contact the project