Promotion of Economic Prospects for Syrians under Temporary Protection and Host Community (PEP)
Promotion of Economic Prospects for Syrians under Temporary Protection and Host Community (PEP)
The project in brief
The project is implemented by the Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM) in Türkiye from August 2019 to February 2021.
In 18 Public Education Centers (PECs) located in 5 provinces, Turkish language courses were organized for Syrians Under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and refugees having international protection status. Vocational training courses were conducted for these groups along with Turkish citizens in need. The aim was:
- To increase the access of beneficiaries to the labor market through vocational training,
- To create sustainable employment opportunities by contributing to social cohesion,
- To promote the local labor market.
In a general context, the aims of the good practice were to enhance the employment prospects of the beneficiaries, to support employment measures in the private sector for beneficiaries and civil society, and to promote and facilitate public and private sector dialogue.
In the scope of the “Promotion of Economic Prospects for Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and Host Community in Turkey Project”, it was aimed to open vocational training and language courses through public education centers in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), the Directorate General of Lifelong Learning (DG LLL) and the Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM), to ensure the participation of SuTP and Turkish citizens in need and finally to take initiatives aiming to provide employment opportunities for beneficiaries subsequent to successful completion of courses.
Elements that facilitated the implementation of the project included:
- A strong collaboration was established in 2019 between the MoNE – DG LLL Department of R&D and Projects, GIZ, and ASAM.
- An Implementation Guideline was signed with MoNE DGLLL at the very beginning of the project. The practice guideline has been drawn up for the implementation of the PEP Project on the basis of the decrees and regulations. Specifically on Presidential Decree no. 1 on Organization of the Presidency (d. 2011), the MoNE Regulation on Secondary Education Institutions (promulgated in the Official Gazette no. 28758 of d. 2013), the MoNE Regulation no. 30388 on Lifelong Learning Institutions (d. 2018), the Regulation on the Spending and Accounting of Grant Amounts Transferred from the Sources of European Union and International Organizations to Public Administrations for Projects (promulgated in the Official Gazette no. 26713 of d. 2007), the Directive on Implementation of Public Education Activities (entered into force with the Authority Approval no. 2205 of d. 2001), and Circular no. 2014/21 of the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Basic Education (d. 2014).
- Protocol with MoNE DG LLL and related chambers of industry and commerce enabled smooth conduct.
- Official letters with İŞKUR on the project goal and implementation, enabling the registration to job seeking data bases to access the labor market.
- The protocol with chambers of industry and commerce facilitated protocols with private sector companies to increase recruitment of the beneficiaries.
Main activities of the Good Practice
- It was aimed to reach 1600 beneficiaries consisting of 800 Turkish and 800 Syrians through trainings in 18 PECs. The target number was exceeded with 1645 beneficiaries.
- Turkish Language Courses were conducted in order to strengthen social cohesion and inclusion between beneficiaries and increase their capacity to access the labour market by removing the language barrier.
- Vocational Trainings opportunities were provided to beneficiaries, by increasing their capacity to reach the labour market after a qualified training process, thus facilitating access to livelihoods.
- Social Cohesion Activities brought together different communities for establishing healthy interaction with 211 type of activities.
- Seminars were held for the beneficiaries on labour market in Türkiye:
- Through the Business Club Activities conducted in collaboration with the Public Work Agency, İŞKUR, 1.419 beneficiaries were registered to İŞKUR’s job search database.
- Organized informative sessions on occupational health and safety, work ethics, culture and conditions, and work permits.
- Conducted workshops on establishing the business with the support of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization.
- Meetings and seminars towards local stakeholders such as chambers of industry and commerce and private sector representatives were held on work permit procedures, regulations regarding refugees, labor market needs, incentives granted to employers and beneficiaries.
- Employment was supported in private sector organizations for 3 months after the language and vocational training. The target of employment 81 beneficiaries was achieved
- Female Inclusion to the labor market with a gender perspective priority was given to female beneficiaries.
Partners involved
- Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Education, Directorate General of Life Long Learning
- GİZ Türkiye
What challenges were encountered in delivering the project and how were they overcome?
- In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused problems in capacity of the classroom as PECs were closed for 3 months, causing interruption in learning and in the scheduled project implementation, affecting the employment.
- Due to the closure of the PECs the meetings and seminars were suspended.
- Because of the pandemics financial impact, some of the SMEs which would recruit the beneficiaries were closed. Therefore, the target number of 160 was not reached fully.
How they were overcome
- For 3 months, theoretical courses continued via WhatsApp. Some of the trainers shoot their course videos and uploaded them on WhatsApp groups.
- The trainings were channeled to online format on YouTube. ASAM PEP Youtube channel was opened in which the Livelihood Officers explained the seminar topics. This way, beneficiaries who have limited access to internet and private spaces to study were able to reach the content in a flexible manner. Online seminars were supported with additional material such as quizzes to make the learning still attractive and ensure success.
- All Livelihood Officers and ASAM’s MHPSS teams monitored if any beneficiary is experiencing grief due to the pandemic’s high number of human loss, and supported the grief process with psychosocial support.
- With the decision of openings of PECs, each classroom was re-designed in accordance with the regulations and recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Mask, hand sanitizer etc. sanitation materials were made available and accessible in PECs.
- The targeted employment was reached after the meetings with local authorities and relevant stakeholders, new employment opportunities were found and recruitment of 81 beneficiaries were facilitated.
Results of the Good Practice
- 1645 beneficiaries were referred to vocational courses (70% female).
- 1419 beneficiaries were registered to İŞKUR’s job search database.
- 211 social cohesion activities were carried out.
- 144 informative seminars were held.
- Beneficiaries were assisted with stipends amounting to half of the minimum wage with the condition of attending at least 80%.
- 70 classes received vocational training courses on accounting and finance, ceramic and glass technology, clothing production technology, construction technology, food and beverage services, handicrafts technology, horticulture, informatics technologies, public relations and organization services, and renewable energy technologies.
- Labor Needs Report encompassing the 5 provinces was produced and disseminated.
In what way does the good practice meet one or more of the four objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees?
Objective 2: Enhance refugee self-reliance
The project has strengthened the capacities of Public Education Centers by establishing ateliers, paying incentives to private companies for employed beneficiaries, and including host community members in beneficiaries. The financial pressure, and social tension due to shrinking economic opportunities in the labor sector was been smoothed in the implementing cities.
Self-reliance of refugees has been enhanced by providing a set of skills that will benefit not only their financial independence but also their interactions with the host community, and access to their rights, services and information. Through Turkish language courses the refugee beneficiaries were able to develop their command of the language. The vocational courses provided skills and knowledge for starting at the job market, in a gender perspective. For some women, this may not be possible otherwise.
Next steps
The project has been closed with success due to the harsh conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and finished in February 2021.
Submitted by
Tuğba Çok, Programme Coordinator, Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM) -Türkiye - [email protected]
Gamze Efe, Deputy General Coordinator, Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM) - Türkiye - [email protected]