Social Cohesion Project

The project in brief

Implemented by

Ministry of Family and Social Services (MoFSS) - Turkey




June 2016 - Ongoing


The overall objective of the project is fostering social cohesion among Syrian and host communities and strengthening the resilience of the communities in Turkey through child participation.

Project aims 

Help refugee children to integrate into society, help children to improve themselves, get socialize, find new friends, learn about daily life and surroundings.

Resources used 

There is no special legislative amendment concerning the programme. However, periodical co-operative works, namely “Rolling Workplan”, between MoFSS and UNICEF gives a fresh impulse to our efforts.

Main activities of the Good Practice

Awareness raising activities about child rights, travel activites, activities regarding special days and weeks, various training programmes, environment friendly activities (planting trees, awareness raising programmes for protecting nature), book readings.



Challenges and how they were overcome


The global Covid-19 pandemic is the single biggest challenge encountered worth to mention so far.

How they were overcome

MoFSS, UNICEF and provincial entities co-operate depending on where the activity is held.

Results of the Good Practice 

  • They will learn a new language.
  • They adapt to their new social environment.
  • They will have new friends.
  • They will be more self-reliant as time passes.

How the project meets the GCR Objectives

Objective 2: Enhance refugee self-reliance

Through help of activities children will learn Turkish language and make friends from their Turkish peers, thus they will perform better in their social and educational life. They will also convey their experiences to their own family members.