Multi-stakeholder Pledge: Beyond Borders, Beyond Barriers - Delivering Comprehensive Solutions in the IGAD Region

Key outcomes

Commitments which form part of this multi-stakeholder pledge will:

  1. Create conducive and enabling environments for comprehensive solutions by supporting IGAD member states to develop and/or operationalize laws, policies, and practices that advance protection, assistance, inclusion and solutions outcomes for displaced population and their host communities taking into consideration their specific needs and vulnerabilities (including age, gender and diversity, while strengthening collaboration across the humanitarian-development-peacebuilding nexus.
  2. Mobilize more predictable and sustained financial, political, and technical support for MS to effectively fulfil their protection responsibilities, include refugees in national systems in countries of asylum, as well as promote sustainable voluntary return and reintegration in safety and dignity.
  3. Address state fragility, establish and monitor regional peace mechanisms, implement rule of law and democratic electoral processes, promote regional/bilateral mediation and reconciliation processes and support transitional justice processes in the region.


The IGAD Support Platform was launched at the Global Refugee Forum in December 2019 by Ministers from the IGAD region, the IGAD Secretariat, and the High Commissioner for Refugees. The IGAD Support Platform is a mechanism to sustain the momentum and galvanize additional support for the implementation of the Nairobi Declaration and Plan of Action, as well as subsequent thematic Declarations and Plans of Action (all referred to as “the IGAD Process”).

In March 2017, IGAD convened a Special Summit on durable solutions for Somali refugees and reintegration of returnees in Somalia. The Summit recognized the regional nature of impacts and solutions for both displacement and mixed migration and underscored the need for a strengthened framework for regional integration and cooperation. The Summit adopted the Nairobi Plan of Action, which called for a paradigm shift in addressing forced displacement and mixed migration - from a humanitarian and security perspective to a development challenge. The commitments of the Nairobi Declaration have since been expanded to cover all populations of concern in the IGAD region.

Pledge description

This pledge aims to galvanize a stronger collective response to create enabling conditions for comprehensive durable solutions (voluntary repatriation, local integration, and resettlement/complementary pathways) for displaced population as well as to strengthen the protection and asylum space in line with the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) by addressing the humanitarian - development and peace-related needs in communities affected by forced displacement in IGAD region.

The pledge will support the operationalization of regional frameworks, agreements, and commitments related to comprehensive solutions for refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees, taking into account age, gender and diversity considerations. It reflects existing regional, sub-regional and country-level initiatives for refugee management, protection, inclusion and solutions, and prioritizes four thematic areas to channel efforts and amplify impact, namely: (i) Education, (ii) Socio-economic inclusion and self-reliance, (iii) Health, and (iv) Return and reintegration.

In addition, the pledge will support the strengthening of member states’ statistical systems to include forcibly displaced and stateless persons.

By creating enabling conditions for durable solutions, this Initiative will also contribute to addressing the drivers of forced displacement in the region.


  • IGAD Member States: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda
  • Core-Group Member of the IGAD Support Platform (EU, Germany, World Bank, Sweden, USA, UNDP)

Supported by UNHCR

Contact details

Fathia Alwan - [email protected]; Charles Obila - [email protected]


  • Regional follow-up-and review workshop on the Kampala Declaration - TBD
  • Regional validation workshop of the IGAD Policy framework on Refugee Protection - October 16-18
  • Annual Stocktake of the IGAD Support Platform - November 12-16
  • Pledge announcement at the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) - December 2023

Contributions towards this multi-stakeholder pledge