Age, Gender, and Diversity: Ending Discrimination in Refugee Responses

Date: Wednesday 8 December 2021 Time: 14:00 - 15:30 (CET / GMT + 1)

Age, Gender, and Diversity: Ending Discrimination in Refugee Responses

Date: Wednesday 8 December 2021

Time: 14:00 - 15:30 (CET / GMT + 1)
03 December 2021
Family in a doorway, man is in a wheelchair with woman standing behind him. They are both laughing. Next to them, a little girl frowns at the camera

Reaffirming commitments to tackle discrimination and recommit to equitable and inclusive responses to all groups of refugees. This event will provide a platform for diverse refugee voices and introduce practical recommendations towards ensuring the Global Compact on Refugees empowers, protects, and supports refugees through an age, gender, and diversity approach.

Register for the event



  • Grainne O’Hara, Director, Division of International Protection, UNHCR


  • Enzo Tabet Cruz, Girls in Crisis Policy and Advocacy Officer, Plan International
  • Andrea Ayala, refugee, member of the Gender Audit Team and GIRWL
  • Melika Sheikh-Eldin, refugee, International and Community Development Manager AMES Australia and member of the Gender Audit Team
  • Seedra, child refugee
  • Mahmoud Murad, refugee, researcher and disability rights advocate

Event Outcomes

The event will:

  • Provide participants with a better understanding how to implement an AGD approach to address the discrimination faced by forcibly displaced and stateless persons.
  • Introduce a package of tools that stakeholders can use to ensure that their GRF pledges integrate AGD. These tools are designed to ensure that the needs of people of different ages, genders, and forms of diversity are met; that there is full, meaningful, and equal participation of affected persons in all decisions that impact their lives; and their human rights are upheld.

Register for the event


AGD tipsheet screenshot



AGD Tip Sheet for GRF Pledges

A guide to help ensure pledges and Good Practices
from the Global Refugee Forum are age, gender,
and diversity inclusive.
Download the tip sheet in ArabicEnglish, French, and Spanish.


AGD Matrix screenshot


AGD Matrix Tool

A tool for analysing and identifying the different
age, gender and diversity issues which should
inform humanitarian and development responses
to issues of concern. Visit the website.




Register for the event


An Age, Gender, and Diversity (AGD) approach is critical for the success of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR). The GCR has made specific commitments to upholding the rights of all people, inclusive of age, gender, and diversity, including disability, considerations. AGD inclusive pledges made by States and other actors at the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) in 2019 signal the positive progress that has been made, but we still have a long way to go. An analysis of the GRF pledges show that only 30% explicitly consider or reference AGD.

We Can – and Must – Do Better

Friends of AGD, a group made up of representatives from UNHCR, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academics, came together to support the continued implementation and monitoring of these AGD commitments made in GRF Pledges.

This interactive event will present several tools that the Friends of AGD have developed to build on the progress made, and to help ensure that new pledges address gaps related to age, gender, and diversity.


UNHCR logo


Australian Permanent Mission UN Geneva logo


Mexican Permanent Mission UN Geneva logo


UNSW Sydney logo


Women's Refugee Commission logo


Save the Children logo


Plan International logo


Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts logo