Workshop on European Collaboration with Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Workshop on European Collaboration with Low- and Middle-Income Countries

To mobilise action on the objectives of the European Academic Refugee Interdisciplinary Network (EARIN) in the lead up to the Global Refugee Forum 2023, the Network is organising thematic workshops.
The next online webinar is on the theme of European Collaboration with Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
The event will be co-chaired by:
- Salvatore Nicolosi, Utrecht University
- Lidia Kuzemska, Forum Transregionale Studien
- Emmanuel Achiri, VOIS Cyprus
To find out more and register participation, please contact [email protected]
Post-workshop update
Participants discussed challenges and good practices on research collaboration between universities, academics and research institutions in Europe, and those in the Global South. The discussion also identified challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for meaningful support to forcibly displaced students, professors, scholars, and researchers.
The workshop concluded that there is a huge need for research collaboration and international exchange on forced displacement, which will facilitate learnings and actionable research to help improve asylum systems and refugee protection in various contexts. In addition, students, scholars and researchers with refugee background often face significant barriers to continue their studies, or work within the academic sphere. Therefore, actions need to be taken to recognize their particular vulnerabilities and encourage participatory, actionable research by involving refugees in the design, planning, and implementation of research projects.
The workshop was attended by scholars and researchers with refugee backgrounds, who made important contributions to the discussion. The recommendations identified during the discussions will be fed into the upcoming Global Refugee Forum 2023.