Preliminary Outcomes of the Stocktaking on the Global Compact on Refugees

A summary of the key findings from the thematic and stakeholder-specific stocktaking to date

Preliminary Outcomes of the Stocktaking on the Global Compact on Refugees

A summary of the key findings from the thematic and stakeholder-specific stocktaking to date
03 August 2021
Delegates gather for the opening session of the Global Refugee Forum at the Palais des Nations in Geneva

Delegates gather for the opening session of the Global Refugee Forum at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

A series of stocktaking consultations and processes were held throughout the year at the regional, stakeholder, and thematic levels to assess progress against the more than 1,400 pledges made as part of the 2019 Global Refugee Forum.  

With only a few months left before the High-Level Officials Meeting, find out more about the preliminary outcomes of the stocktaking by stakeholder group and by theme:  

Primary Outcomes of the Stocktaking on the Global Compact on Refugees by Stakeholder Groups front cover Primary Outcomes of the Stocktaking on the Global Compact on Refugees by Theme front cover









Download the Preliminary Outcomes of the Stocktaking on the GCR