GRF Education Alliance
GRF Education Alliance
Education is an essential component in building strong, resilient communities and supporting the holistic development of children and youth so that they can become active, engaged and contributing members of their local communities. The Global Refugee Forum (GRF) Education Alliance is a network of over 160 stakeholders that have a passionate interest in ensuring that refugees of all ages have access to education opportunities.
The Education Alliance enables hosting states, donor states and organisations, civil society organisations, academics and academic institutions, United Nations agencies and refugee led organisations to work collaboratively in pledging actions that will promote the inclusion of refugee learners in national educational systems and institutions. It also offers opportunities for sharing information on planned pledges, engaging in joint advocacy and encouraging solidarity with hosting states to realise the right to education.
During 2023 the Alliance will hold quarterly virtual meetings to prepare for the Global Refugee Forum. Within the Alliance there are a number of thematic task teams which allow for more in-depth discussion needs and planned pledges.
If your organization is interested in joining the Education Alliance, please send an email to [email protected] with a little information about your organization and interest in the GRF.
Education Campus - a GRF linked event
Education Campus - a GRF linked event
The Global Refugee Forum (GRF) Education Alliance will be hosting a full-day event on 12 December where stakeholders will reflect on progress made in realizing the vision for education set out in Refugee Education 2030 and the Global Compact on Refugees and commit to concrete actions for the coming four years. More information can be found in the Education Campus announcement and programme.
Register for the event View the event programme View the event announcement
Pledging guidance
Reports and articles
Foreword by the Assistant High Commissioner for Protection