Parliamentary Networks
Although much focus is given to the work of Member States, and thus sitting governments, the role of parliamentarians is vital in ensuring effective refugee protection and inclusion – from cross-party groups setting up refugee parliaments to give forcibly displaced people a greater voice, to opposition parties bringing in protection policy.
How parliamentarians discuss refugee issues and the laws they pass profoundly affects refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced, and stateless people.
Parliamentarians take the lead in law proposals, debating and adopting amendments as opinion shapers, parliamentarians address stereotypes and misconceptions linked to refugees. They can help confront systemic discrimination by countering xenophobia.
Parliamentarians ensure that inclusion, social cohesion, and human rights programmes are not underfunded.
Webinar series
Parliamentary action to end statelessness by 2024
25 February 2021
The impact of climate change on displacement and human security
Parliamentary dialogue with the UNHCR Special Advisor on Climate Action, 21 September 2022
News & stories
Nour Mussa, a Sudanese refugee turned educator, delivered an account of his journey from displacement to empowerment through education...
The UN Refugee Agency and the international organization of national parliaments sign a memorandum of understanding delivering on their...