Goal 1: Grow Resettlement
Goal 1: Grow Resettlement

"I wanted nothing more than to be reunited with my family" - Forty-year-old Eritrean mother Winta holds her three-year-old son Mekseb's hand as she walks near Lake Geneva with her recently reunited older children, Ksanet, 16, and Ermias, 13.
The Global Compact on Refugees emphasizes the importance of resettlement for burden- and responsibility-sharing. Goal 1 seeks to expand the base, scope, size and quality of resettlement. This means an increase in the number of places in existing programmes, an expansion in the number of countries undertaking resettlement but also an increase in the protection impact, efficiency and sustainability of programmes. Goal 1 focuses on capacity building for new and existing resettlement countries, strengthening the efficiency and integrity of processes, the engagement of actors who are not traditionally involved in resettlement and the better use of evidence to generate expansion.
Many refugees cannot go home because of continued conflict, wars, and persecution. Many also live in perilous situations or have specific needs that cannot be addressed in the country where they have sought protection. In such circumstances, UNHCR helps resettle refugees to a third country. Resettlement is the transfer of refugees from an asylum country to another State, that has agreed to admit them and ultimately grant them permanent residence.
How to contribute?
In line with the multi-stakeholder and whole-of-society approach required to achieve the goals of the Strategy, the following are non-exhaustive examples of the types of contributions that different stakeholders can make to support Goal 1.
Governments in receiving countries
- Expand the size of resettlement programmes and/or establish new ones that are predictable, responsive and include multi-year commitments.
- Provide customised technical and financial support to new and emerging resettlement countries to establish programmes and build up systems.
Civil society at the international, regional, national and local levels (including NGOs, faith-based organisations, refugees in receiving countries, diaspora and citizens)
- Advocate with local and national authorities for the establishment and expansion of resettlement programmes through demonstrating their benefits.
The private sector at all levels (including employers and employers’ organisations and private foundations)
- Provide in-kind support to the resettlement infrastructure, such as through support with housing, healthcare, employment, professional training and use of technological resources, as applicable.
Academic and research institutions
- Build institutional research capacity to evidence the impacts of resettlement and refugee contributions to receiving societies.
- Strengthen networks of academics and researchers to promote knowledge exchange.