Goal 3: Build the Foundation

Promote Welcoming and Inclusive Societies

Goal 3: Build the Foundation

Promote Welcoming and Inclusive Societies
A group of people sitting in a garden smiling

Ismael Khaled Jhayem (left) and his wife Ghofran have tea with members of the community support group, Paula Hobson, Tricia Brophy and Brian Hobson, at the couple's allotment in Liverpool. Thingwall Allotments found a derelict plot that the family has already transformed into a thriving vegetable garden.

The Global Compact on Refugees is based on the fundamental principle of international solidarity, which can only be achieved if endorsed as a global public good by third countries receiving refugees. An environment that promotes solidarity, diversity and openness is essential for resettlement and complementary pathways to grow sustainably. Moreover, the arrival of refugees can trigger positive social and economic changes, transform civic culture and local institutions, and promote social cohesion, particularly when local communities are engaged in welcoming them. Goal 3 focuses on supporting national and local authorities and communities to design and implement programmes that enable the long-term integration of refugees, adopting models that harness the contribution of both local communities and refugees and promoting an evidence-based positive narrative on refugees.




How to contribute?

In line with the multi-stakeholder and whole-of-society approach required to achieve the goals of the Strategy, the following are non-exhaustive examples of the types of contributions that different stakeholders can make to support Goal 3.

Governments in receiving countries

- Promote and support policies and initiatives that strengthen social cohesion.

- Support mechanisms and approaches for meaningful refugee participation.

Civil society at the international, regional, national and local levels (including NGOs, faith-based organisations, refugees in receiving countries, diaspora and citizens)

- Bring refugees and local communities together through sponsorship models, volunteerism, mentorship programs and inter-faith and intercultural events

- Ensure that reception and integration programmes respond to the specific needs of refugees and their capacities.

- Include and partner with refugees and diaspora.

Organizations of the United Nations System

- Support the development of tools to monitor and evaluate programmes.

- Support other stakeholders to collect the data necessary to evidence the positive contributions of refugees in receiving societies.

Academic and research institutions

- Build institutional research capacity to evidence the impacts of resettlement, complementary pathways, and refugee contributions to receiving societies.