Displacement through a Gender Lens: Progress, Challenges, and Advancing Partnerships
Displacement through a Gender Lens: Progress, Challenges, and Advancing Partnerships
The UN Women Global Refugee Forum Linked Event "Displacement through a Gender Lens: Progress, Challenges, and Advancing Partnerships", held on December 12th, 2023. Against the backdrop of conflicts and climate-related disasters, the event spotlighted the global displacement crisis, affecting 110 million people by June 2023, with a focus on the disproportionate impact on women and girls.
The panel discussion with representatives from governments, women’s organizations, and women refugees from five countries (Uganda, Jordan, Kenya, Moldova, Colombia), was organized by UN Women and co-hosted by Norway and Ukraine, moderated by the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC).
Three key messages emerged from the discussions:
- Women-led Organizations and Women's Rights Organizations play an instrumental role in driving agendas for the empowerment and self-reliance of refugee women, including through inter-agency coordination mechanisms.
- Existing as well as potential opportunities to scale up multi-stakeholder partnerships for socio-economic inclusion of women and girls applying intersectional and inclusive programmatic approaches should be seized and/or sustained.
- Policy dialogues are critical to promoting and advocating for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls in forcibly displaced contexts.
In conclusion, the event served as a powerful platform underscoring the instrumental role of women and girls in refugee response. The discussions advocated for gender-sensitive approaches, shedding light on the urgent need to address the disproportionate impact on women and girls in displacement settings. As we reflect on the valuable insights shared, the call for sustained collaboration echoes strongly. Together, we aspire to build a future where women and girls can rebuild their lives with unwavering dignity and resilience.