Shifting power, decision-making, and funding: Refugee leadership in humanitarian responses

A GRF 2023 linked event hosted by the Global Refugee-Led Network, Oxfam, the Overseas Development Institute and Development Initiatives

Shifting power, decision-making, and funding: Refugee leadership in humanitarian responses

A GRF 2023 linked event hosted by the Global Refugee-Led Network, Oxfam, the Overseas Development Institute and Development Initiatives
8:00 CET
A photo from the event - participants sitting in a semi-circle with a presentation on a screen

On 12 December the Global Refugee-Led Network, Oxfam, the Overseas Development Institute and Development Initiatives organised a linked event entitled Shifting power, decision-making and funding: Refugee leadership in humanitarian responses. The event was chaired by Amer Alkayed, Chairperson of the Global Refugee-Led Network, and featured the following panellists:

  • Abbas Kigozi (Humanitarian Policy Adviser, Oxfam in Africa);
  • Andhira Kara (Researcher, ODI);
  • Hanno van Gemund (Senior Policy Officer, Department for Stabilization and Humanitarian Aid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands);
  • Nafissa Amadou Seyni (International Migrant Women Solidarity Association, Türkiye);
  • Sana Mustafa (CEO, Asylum Access).

Panellists explored the importance of shifting power, decision-making and resources to refugee-led organisations, as well as progress that has been made so far and emerging good practice. They also discussed funding challenges and opportunities, why we have not made more progress in this area, and what donors can and should do to address the barriers and obstacles they face. New research by ODI and Development Initiatives examining the quality and quantity of funding to RLOs was showcased, and panellists brought to the discussion perspectives from the ground, including by drawing upon the experiences of women refugee leaders to demonstrate how a shift to the local can allow for humanitarian aid to better respond to the gendered nature of refugee crises.